Monday, January 22, 2024

#14 FEAR NOT...

God's desire for us had been that we possess what He had promised us. But regrettably, this contemporary of doubts and spiritual complacency wouldn't, because of unbelief. Everyone is given a promised land to possess, you ask, what could be my promised land? It is that calling God had impressed in you as your passion, strength, potential, and yearnings. Call it special talents, gifts, capabilities, relevance, initiatives to cause a change in your world, power of innovations, your creative powers. God has put in every child of His, these qualities and virtues for a purpose in life, to make a spiritual difference, and to represent Him in the world as light bearers. Our ‘Promised Land’, is that special place in our lives and world, where we’ve been given to flourish and draw men to God. 

Sadly, the scary giants that come against us have been the ones inside of us. These are the fears that will keep us from entering our promised land. Anxiety, Doubt, Fear, Laziness, discouragement, Complacency, Faintheartedness, Selfishness, Pride. However, God has promised to drive out Israel’s giants of enemies, He will “drive out” ours when we are faithfully, and purposefully obedient to Him. 

Another challenge is that we want things to be comfortable and easy; unfortunately, they’re not. Possessing our land is the whole experience of being in this world and finding ourselves a safe place. Truth is, no one ever said the quest of possessing our ‘Promised Land’ was going to be easy. Jesus asserts to us through John “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world”. (John 16:33). It is human to be afraid, but it is not okay to give in to fears. God has promised to be with us on the journey (Exodus 23: 20-33). FEAR NOT. 

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


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