Thursday, January 25, 2024


As God's people we are encouraged to have confidence in the battles that lay before us in our journey of life, the battles that tend to oppose our focus on eternity, knowing that God is on our side. However, this doesn’t mean that we should be half-hearted or inefficient in the way we plan to fight.

Isaiah had received instruction from God to find King Ahaz at a critical moment in Judah's history (Isaiah 7:3). The allied Syrian armies and Israel had come to attack Judah. In the battles, they had already destroyed tens of thousands of Ahaz's people. King Ahaz and his people were terrified of the battle coming to them. Isaiah used these words to strengthen King Ahaz (Deuteronomy 7:4): “fear not, neither be faint-hearted.”

Have you lost it in the past while finding a safe place for yourself? Are you presently anxious about failing or losing a battle? Are you facing a threat from enemies around? Have you lost all courage and strength to battle that giant approaching your way?
Faint not your heart or be afraid; don’t be terrified, or give way to panic before them. Move in the strength of the almighty God. For the LORD your God is with you and goes with you to fight and defeat your giants, destroy the enemies to give you victory.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20 

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