Saturday, January 27, 2024

#19 FEAR NOT...

These strengthening and empowering Words were being personally directed to Joshua the newly inaugurated leader of the Israelites at the time Moses was making his handover speech, being 120 years he knew he was exiting life. Moses had generally addressed everyone including their succeeding leader, in verse 6. Today, these words speak to all of us as individuals in whatever capacity we are experiencing or about to interface with a new phase of life’s journey as a leader being handed the batten of leadership, as a follower about to be led by a new leader, or you as an individual meeting taking up a responsibility you are nervous about. Are you being promoted but gripped by a mixed feeling of joy and uncertainty?

You are being strengthened encouraged and empowered today through the lines of these Words – that the LORD Himself will lead through in righteousness, He will be with you to give you wisdom knowledge, and understanding. He will not fail to equip you with the resources you need to achieve success. Fear Not, but only work with Him in that path of righteousness, acknowledge what is right and good, and shun what is bad and evil. Follow His instructions as stipulated in the Holy Book in all obedience and reverence, and then His mighty hands which work wonders give victory. Fear Not.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

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