Friday, January 19, 2024

Fear can take a toll on us, creating so much anxiety and doubt. it is capable of clouding our sense of reasoning and brevity, making us lose confidence. Fear can disrupt our faith in God, thereby yielding to doubt and unbelief. The Israelites were gripped with so much fear on hearing of the giants in the Land of Cannan, such that they had to propose a silly adventure of going back to Egypt to die, instead of trusting in God who has shown them so many miracles and evidence of His love towards them. But the word of God through Moses has come to us; “neither fear ye the people…for they are bread for us”. He that is with God is with many and can defeat giants of fear in all our circumstances. Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) if only we confidently and sincerely call to Him. All things are possible to those who believe (Mark 9:23). Fear Not.


 From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


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