Wednesday, February 7, 2024

#24 FEAR NOT... This Day!

The Israelites sinned against God and the LORD gave them up into the hands of the Midianites to rule over them for seven years. The Midianites were severely cruel to the Israelites, so they cried out to God for help and rescue. The LORD sent a prophet to them with a message reminding them of how He had delivered them from the Egyptians who oppressed them, He saved them, fed them, and warned them not to fear the gods of the Amorites because He is God all-powerful and sovereign, but they wouldn’t listen.

As long as we continue losing our faith and trust in our God to the attractions and allures of the enemy, we’ll continue suffering from oppression and regrets. Our God is filled with Mercy and Grace when we cry out to Him, He hears and delivers. Fear Not, but trust in God. 

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20 


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