Tuesday, February 13, 2024

#28 FEAR NOT… This Day!

Now, this was a case of being hunted by the guilt of an act counted as a sin against God by the Israelites.

It was another miraculous work of God through the prophet Samuel who prayed and the LORD sent thunder and rain. Then the people became afraid of the LORD and Samuel (12:18). They pleaded with Samuel to beg God not to destroy them. Samuel said to the people of Israel, yes, you have committed evil against God by asking for a king without considering all that He had done for you. However, ‘Fear Not’ do not turn away from the LORD, serve Him with all your heart.

The Israelites, having been with God in thick and thin, and having experienced God’s countless saving graces and deliverance from all strongholds, and fears, always hear their cries at all times. Now, when King Nahash of Ammon was about to attack them, they rejected the LORD (12:12) who had been more than a king to them, they suddenly lost all confidence and trust in their God and began to request for a mortal king to rule them.

There is no doubt that, with the hit of unbeatable circumstances, temptations, oppressions, dilemmas, fears, and confusion, we tend to push God aside seeking a quick solution that seems best for our situation at the moment. Proverbs 14:12 says “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”

It always hinges on guilt after we venture into our self-willed path, and then we become a puppet in the hands of the devil, who continuously makes us feel there is no forgiveness for our sinful acts. Like Samuel said to them ‘Fear Not’ but stay with the LORD. Whatever is that guilt in your mind that continuously puts fear in you, break out! of it and come to God, confessing and receiving the grace of eternal Joy, the strength of living a repentant life, the strength to approach the presence of God as your father at all times, the consolation that you'll possess the power of the Holy Spirit to hate sin and love righteousness.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


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