Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Finding Hope in a World of Adversity: A Message for the Hurting and Skeptics

As skeptics or wounded and hurting, you may think that the existence of evil, hardship and all forms of adversity in the world proves that God doesn't exist. But what if I told you that God's presence is not disproved by evil, but rather, He is the only one who can provide hope and redemption in the midst of it?

In John 16:33, Jesus says, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This acknowledges the reality of hardship but also offers a promise of hope and victory through faith in Him.

Ellen G. White, a renowned Christian author, writes, "God did not create evil, but He permits it to exist, that He may demonstrate His power to overcome it" (The Great Controversy, p. 513).

The Bible doesn't shy away from the existence of evil. In fact, it addresses it head-on, explaining that sin entered the world through human choice (Genesis 3) and that God's grace and redemption are available through Jesus Christ (Romans 5:12-19).

The existence of evil is not a proof that God does not exist, but a proof that we need Him. If a good God does not exist, evil also does not exist, but if evil exist, then a good God does exist.

But how can a loving God exist in a world filled with suffering? The prophet Habakkuk asked the same question (Habakkuk 1:2-4), but ultimately trusted in God's sovereignty and justice.

God's presence is not about eliminating evil, but about providing a way to overcome it. Through faith in Him, we can find peace in the darkest valleys (Psalm 23:4), hope in the midstof suffering (Romans 5:3-5), and redemption from the evil that surrounds us (Revelation 21:4).

As a Christian author, Philip Yancey, writes, "Faith is not a guarantee of a trouble-free life, but a guarantee of a trouble-free heart" (Where Is God When It Hurts? p. 25).

His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


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Finding Hope in a World of Adversity: A Message for the Hurting and Skeptics

As skeptics or wounded and hurting, you may think that the existence of evil, hardship and all forms of adversity in the world proves that G...