Thursday, February 8, 2024

#25 FEAR NOT... This Day!

At this point, Gideon just realized he had been with the Angel of the LORD, and was gripped with fear and trepidation saying – “Alas, O Lord God! For I have seen the Angel of the LORD face to face” Rather than being encouraged to know God was on his side, Gideon immediately panicked, because, according to the understanding of the Old Testament, no human could survive seeing the face of God (Exodus 33:18–23). But God assured him not to fear, that he will not die. What ails you today.

It was the Lord Himself in human form, manifesting in the appearance of a man, talking and conversing with the mortal man (Gideon), unknown to Gideon that this person was God Himself. We understand such happenstance as a Christophany: an appearance of the Son of Man before His full incarnation as Jesus Christ.

Gideon apparently, wasn’t convinced that the man who conversed and commanded him to save Israel from the Midianites (Judges 6:13–16) was actually God or a messenger from God. That changed when he witnessed the Man consume an entire meal with fire before his eyes, by touching it with His staff and then vanishing immediately. (Judges 6:17–22).

Gideon in this story, hadn’t defeated the enemy yet, but he had an encounter with God that taught him regardless of his circumstances, situations, challenges, and fears, the Lord is his stronghold, and the LORD is his Peace.

Have you had such a powerful encounter with God that once solidified your trust, that convinced you beyond doubt, regardless of your circumstances, that the LORD is Peace? Perhaps once we all have had such experience, but have fallen back into our old habits of worrying about the future. When we know our God as a stronghold of Peace and safety. we have a sense of security. We’re safe in His hands and nothing can befall us that we can’t handle because He is with us, enabling and sustaining us. God is our Peace. Fear Not.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

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