Thursday, February 8, 2024

#26 FEAR NOT... This Day!

We all have a choice to spend the moments, hours and days that make up our lives. We spend them in our world, ambitiously pursuing pleasures entwined with sin. We choose to spend our lives chasing wealth and affluence. We spend our time enjoying recreation. We spend our time working and toiling for daily survival. We spend our time with family, and helping others. These are no doubt good and valid.

However, you can agree with me that the best way we can spend every second of our lives is to spend it at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we are at His Feet, He gives meaning to all the other good and valid things we do in our lives. Being at the feet of Jesus lightens up every area of our life to have more meaning.

We see Ruth getting to the feet of Boaz for a change of status and meaning to life. Her experience in getting to Boaz's feet drives home to us a lesson about getting to the feet of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who is waiting to hush our anxieties, fears, uncertainties, meaningless and wasteful life, to a better, resourceful and enriching life. Boaz said to her – “fear not I will do for you all that you request”, Jesus is saying the same to you and I fear not- He is waiting for us to come to Him, because at His feet is the fullness of life.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

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