Thursday, February 15, 2024

#30 FEAR NOT... David As Fugitive

Jonathan, Saul’s Son assures David that his father will not find him or harm him- that he should not be afraid. David, being on the run, away from King Saul, who does not want him to be the king of Israel, especially wants to kill him. David becomes a fugitive; he finds himself at different locations and sometimes meets battles that he fights and wins while still being on the run because of King Saul. Jonathan, being his enemy’s son finds favour in him, goes to meet him at the hills and hiding places to assure him that no matter what may be, he will surely become the king of Israel.

God had assured David that he was going to be the next king of Israel. Even though things were turning really bad for him and seeming like it is not going to be possible, the truth remains that he will surely become the king because God had said it will surely come to fruition. Now it is up to David to believe the Word of the LORD in his life, re-enforce the strength of the LORD in him and use it to combat his fears.

The Bible says, they that trust in the LORD are like mount Zion which cannot be moved, but abide forever, that as the mountains surrounds Jerusalem so the LORD surrounds His people… (Psalm 125:1-3). Are you being embattled like David for the course of God in your life? Are you facing strongholds against your success and progress in life? Has it been tough trying to reach your God set altitude because of the adversaries who are militating against your growth?

Did you know that David fought other battles even while being chased by the King himself? David abided with God while in his hiding places and God used him to deliver the people of Keilah from the Philistines. David defeated the Philistines again; he was being made stronger for the future ahead of him. God didn’t say to you, that being destined for greatness will come to you on a platter of gold. He knows the battles you will fight; He knows that the enemy will attack you either by physical or spiritual. Isaiah 40:31 says: “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Fear Not, face your battles like David, go with the strength and assurance of whom God says you are, and will fulfill your dreams, you will get to your promise land of self-actualization. Nothing can stop you as long as you stay connected with the Kings of Kings, even in your wilderness, your life’s destiny is assured.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

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