Friday, February 16, 2024

#31 FEAR NOT... David's Kindness


These words of David were a full reflection of God’s extravagant Grace, a symbol of his love for Jonathan. His motive and quest for a member of the family of Saul was indeed a demonstration of love towards the family of a man who wanted him dead, he (Mephibosheth) did not deserve such kindness nor earned it.

This is the experience we have with God, by the disposition of our lives’ activity we at some point have acted as enemies of God, we have hurt God, we have turned our back on Him, we have denied Him of His advocacy required of us, we have allowed the enemy to take over our hearts to apostate. 

Despite all these, God has invited us to eat at His table now, and for all our days as we live. He tells us not to Fear our guilt because that’s the tool the enemy uses against us to create a barrier, a distance between us and our Maker. Our God is Just and Faithful, lowly and Merciful, He is forgiven and always ready to reconcile us back to Himself. Come and feast at the royal table of our LORD Jesus, He invites you.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


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