Thursday, February 29, 2024

#32 FEAR NOT... Elijah and the Widow- Is the Deplorable Situation of the Nation Hindering Your Blessings?

The Blessings of life don’t come to us because of suffering or lack, nor do they come from complaints, grumbles, whines, and profiling of our pitiable circumstances. Blessings come from arms giving, reaching out, seeking to help others, seeking to be a blessing for others regardless of your circumstance. Prophet Elijah was on a mission sent by God unknown to the widow of Zarephath, whom God had set to feed Prophet Elijah despite her deplorable situation. You never know what God is planning for you that will give an unimaginable turnaround to that life you want.

Your suffering and lack do not limit His plans for you, but faithfulness to Him in all circumstances is only what HE desires of us and this can only come when we look beyond our situational analysis and focus on the word of God for us, He says in Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”. 

Don’t be beaten up by the woes and threats in your situations to let it becloud you from God’s blessings. The global world is in different shades of inflations, economic upturns, sufferings and hunger are on a geometrical rise, and the quest for survival is taking courteous measures. But we must know that the Blessings of life still come from looking out for one another in love and care. Fear Not.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20 

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