Monday, March 18, 2024

#35 FEAR NOT…David Hands Over the Building Project to Solomon

David in this passage was seemingly inaugurating his son Solomon for the project God had placed in his (Solomon) hands, to build the temple for the LORD. It was a project David was eager to do for the LORD but God refused him and chose his son Solomon. Now David was presenting him at Jerusalem to the leaders of Israel, the officers of the divisions that served the king, the tribes, captains, stewards, and hundreds and thousands of multitude present. Solomon at the moment was not yet made the king, but God chose him to build Him a Temple in Jerusalem. 

It was necessary to encourage him to let the people know and to support him in the actualization of the project. I don’t think Solomon had a clue about how to go about building of the Temple because we know it was David’s brainchild and he had the master plan to give the best to his God. Nevertheless, David was even more joyous that out of his offspring God chose the person to build him His Temple, so he handed over all that he had and all that the spirit spoke of concerning the Temple to Solomon his son, as he left him with the above words of encouragement.

Are you in such a unique assignment for the LORD, for your family, company, institution, or personal engagement but don’t know how to embark or fear that you might fail, or you are being overwhelmed by the negative and discouraging voices around you? If God had impressed in you to do that which your mind is saturated to do, then be strong and of good courage, FEAR NOT, He will be with you to grant you success till the end.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

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