Wednesday, March 20, 2024

#36 FEAR NOT… You will not Fight This Battle

“You will not need to fight in this battle…stand still and see…” Wow! Great Words of Confidence, Encouragement, Victory and Protection. Have you ever encountered anyone asking you to take over your battles or challenges and only do absolutely nothing but wait for victory? On the flip side, the Bible says we should be doers of the word (James 1:22), also that faith without works is dead, (James 2:17) right?

In our journey with the LORD, there are monumental moments when we are hushed by God to be still, to be calm in our struggles and let Him take the lead for us. But how do we know exactly when God is asking us to be still? It is by listening to His voice, it is by dwelling daily in the Word of God, it is by seeking Him first in all our life’s engagements. It is an act of faith that we seek and find God, it is the doing of His will in faith and act of righteousness that we understand the voice of God in our spiritual life.

Fear Not, But be still in the LORD and He will give you victory. It is my prayer that you get clarity of His voice as you listen.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


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