Friday, April 12, 2024

#39 FEAR NOT… My Faith In God’s Great Protection Power

Trust in Divine Protection: The verse speaks to the idea that those who follow a righteous path can trust in God's protection. This teaches the moral lesson of having faith in a higher power and relying on divine providence during times of difficulty or danger.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity: By assuring that one will be protected from the harm caused by malicious speech ("the lash of the tongue") and destruction, the verse encourages resilience. It suggests that even in the face of adversity or negativity, one can find comfort and security in their faith.

Freedom from Fear: The verse also emphasizes that those under divine protection need not fear destruction. This teaches the moral lesson of overcoming fear through trust in God, suggesting that strong faith can provide inner peace and confidence, even in challenging circumstances.

We are encouraged to trust in God's protection, resilience in adversity, and freedom from fear, providing moral guidance for navigating life's challenges with faith and confidence.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


Thursday, April 11, 2024

#38 FEAR NOT... Be Steadfast and Not Fear

These Words of the scriptures today have come to us as a source of strength and encouragement for you and me. It reflects the idea of living without fear, standing firm in faith, and finding confidence in God's presence.

May this verse inspire you to face each day with courage, assurance, and unwavering faith in God's love and protection.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

Monday, April 8, 2024

#37 FEAR NOT... Nehemiah's Words of Encouragement

Courage in the face of opposition: Nehemiah encourages the people not to be afraid of their enemies. This teaches the importance of facing challenges with bravery and determination.

Faith in God: Nehemiah reminds the people to remember the Lord, who is great and awesome. This emphasizes the importance of placing trust in God during difficult times and relying on Him for strength and guidance.

Protection of loved ones: Nehemiah urges the people to fight for their families, emphasizing the responsibility to defend and protect those we care about. This highlights the value of loyalty and sacrifice for the well-being of others.

Defending what is precious: By urging the people to fight for their homes, Nehemiah emphasizes the importance of safeguarding what is valuable and dear to them. This teaches the significance of standing up for what is right and protecting one's livelihood and community.

conclusively, this verse encourages courage, faith, loyalty, and the protection of loved ones, all of which are timeless moral principles that resonate across cultures and generations.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


Finding Hope in a World of Adversity: A Message for the Hurting and Skeptics

As skeptics or wounded and hurting, you may think that the existence of evil, hardship and all forms of adversity in the world proves that G...