Wednesday, March 20, 2024

#36 FEAR NOT… You will not Fight This Battle

“You will not need to fight in this battle…stand still and see…” Wow! Great Words of Confidence, Encouragement, Victory and Protection. Have you ever encountered anyone asking you to take over your battles or challenges and only do absolutely nothing but wait for victory? On the flip side, the Bible says we should be doers of the word (James 1:22), also that faith without works is dead, (James 2:17) right?

In our journey with the LORD, there are monumental moments when we are hushed by God to be still, to be calm in our struggles and let Him take the lead for us. But how do we know exactly when God is asking us to be still? It is by listening to His voice, it is by dwelling daily in the Word of God, it is by seeking Him first in all our life’s engagements. It is an act of faith that we seek and find God, it is the doing of His will in faith and act of righteousness that we understand the voice of God in our spiritual life.

Fear Not, But be still in the LORD and He will give you victory. It is my prayer that you get clarity of His voice as you listen.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


Monday, March 18, 2024

#35 FEAR NOT…David Hands Over the Building Project to Solomon

David in this passage was seemingly inaugurating his son Solomon for the project God had placed in his (Solomon) hands, to build the temple for the LORD. It was a project David was eager to do for the LORD but God refused him and chose his son Solomon. Now David was presenting him at Jerusalem to the leaders of Israel, the officers of the divisions that served the king, the tribes, captains, stewards, and hundreds and thousands of multitude present. Solomon at the moment was not yet made the king, but God chose him to build Him a Temple in Jerusalem. 

It was necessary to encourage him to let the people know and to support him in the actualization of the project. I don’t think Solomon had a clue about how to go about building of the Temple because we know it was David’s brainchild and he had the master plan to give the best to his God. Nevertheless, David was even more joyous that out of his offspring God chose the person to build him His Temple, so he handed over all that he had and all that the spirit spoke of concerning the Temple to Solomon his son, as he left him with the above words of encouragement.

Are you in such a unique assignment for the LORD, for your family, company, institution, or personal engagement but don’t know how to embark or fear that you might fail, or you are being overwhelmed by the negative and discouraging voices around you? If God had impressed in you to do that which your mind is saturated to do, then be strong and of good courage, FEAR NOT, He will be with you to grant you success till the end.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

Friday, March 15, 2024

#34 FEAR NOT… Face Your Challenges, Still in Obedience


There is life in obedience to God and His Word as well as living to give Him allegiance and worship. The reverse comes as true as the statements of obedience, that is, disobedience leads to death and destruction as we stand the chances of losing abundant life. The Israelites faced these repercussions as a result of taking God for granted and disobeying as it pleased them. God has never left them in their lost arena or captivity. It is of essence to be obedient to God and His Word but as trials come your way, we should remain faithful to truth and righteous living. 

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

Friday, March 1, 2024

#33 FEAR NOT… Elisha and the Syrian Army

The Syrian authority and the Israelite authority had planned a meeting point to battle in a feast of war but behind the Israelites, the Syrian king with his army planned to destroy the Israelites through an ambush, this wasn’t known to the Israelite's king and army, but was exposed to them by prophet Elisha. It was on this premise that the Syrian king ordered the capture of the prophet Elisha based on the intel that prophet Elisha disclosed their secret to the Israelites and that he could tell the discussions even in the privacy of the king’s room- v12.

It doesn’t matter the mammoth or giant threats posed on us by our enemies or unbeatable situations and circumstances, but the defeat to all battles lies in our innocence and submission to God’s authority over us because He never loses any battle for us.

Elisha was confident in the power of the almighty, even when his servant was rapt with fear and anxiety. Elisha prayed to God to open the spiritual eyes of his servant to behold His heavy presence, and suddenly he realized that indeed there was a more great and powerful God’s army around them far greater than the physically seen Asyrian army.

The physical and situational presence of our raging battles in life is not what gives us victory, but the spiritual unseen chariots of the LORD’s army. All we must do is examine our path with God to be justified and need His help for our victory (Galatians 5:20-26; 6:8; 1 John 1:9). Be conscious of His presence, be conscious to acknowledge His mighty works, have a sense of the authority of spiritual over the physical. Praying always to live because of eternity through the power and dependency of the Holy Spirit, asking God to open our spiritual eyes and mind to the miraculous works of His Hands, to have confidence and trust in His WORDs, He says “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). “The Lord protects and preserves them—they are counted among the blessed in the land—he does not give them over to the desire of their foes” (Psalm 41:2). This should be our mind daily as we live. Fearn Not, but trust in the LORD.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

Finding Hope in a World of Adversity: A Message for the Hurting and Skeptics

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