Thursday, February 29, 2024

#32 FEAR NOT... Elijah and the Widow- Is the Deplorable Situation of the Nation Hindering Your Blessings?

The Blessings of life don’t come to us because of suffering or lack, nor do they come from complaints, grumbles, whines, and profiling of our pitiable circumstances. Blessings come from arms giving, reaching out, seeking to help others, seeking to be a blessing for others regardless of your circumstance. Prophet Elijah was on a mission sent by God unknown to the widow of Zarephath, whom God had set to feed Prophet Elijah despite her deplorable situation. You never know what God is planning for you that will give an unimaginable turnaround to that life you want.

Your suffering and lack do not limit His plans for you, but faithfulness to Him in all circumstances is only what HE desires of us and this can only come when we look beyond our situational analysis and focus on the word of God for us, He says in Jeremiah 29:11 – “For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”. 

Don’t be beaten up by the woes and threats in your situations to let it becloud you from God’s blessings. The global world is in different shades of inflations, economic upturns, sufferings and hunger are on a geometrical rise, and the quest for survival is taking courteous measures. But we must know that the Blessings of life still come from looking out for one another in love and care. Fear Not.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20 

Friday, February 16, 2024

#31 FEAR NOT... David's Kindness


These words of David were a full reflection of God’s extravagant Grace, a symbol of his love for Jonathan. His motive and quest for a member of the family of Saul was indeed a demonstration of love towards the family of a man who wanted him dead, he (Mephibosheth) did not deserve such kindness nor earned it.

This is the experience we have with God, by the disposition of our lives’ activity we at some point have acted as enemies of God, we have hurt God, we have turned our back on Him, we have denied Him of His advocacy required of us, we have allowed the enemy to take over our hearts to apostate. 

Despite all these, God has invited us to eat at His table now, and for all our days as we live. He tells us not to Fear our guilt because that’s the tool the enemy uses against us to create a barrier, a distance between us and our Maker. Our God is Just and Faithful, lowly and Merciful, He is forgiven and always ready to reconcile us back to Himself. Come and feast at the royal table of our LORD Jesus, He invites you.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


Thursday, February 15, 2024

#30 FEAR NOT... David As Fugitive

Jonathan, Saul’s Son assures David that his father will not find him or harm him- that he should not be afraid. David, being on the run, away from King Saul, who does not want him to be the king of Israel, especially wants to kill him. David becomes a fugitive; he finds himself at different locations and sometimes meets battles that he fights and wins while still being on the run because of King Saul. Jonathan, being his enemy’s son finds favour in him, goes to meet him at the hills and hiding places to assure him that no matter what may be, he will surely become the king of Israel.

God had assured David that he was going to be the next king of Israel. Even though things were turning really bad for him and seeming like it is not going to be possible, the truth remains that he will surely become the king because God had said it will surely come to fruition. Now it is up to David to believe the Word of the LORD in his life, re-enforce the strength of the LORD in him and use it to combat his fears.

The Bible says, they that trust in the LORD are like mount Zion which cannot be moved, but abide forever, that as the mountains surrounds Jerusalem so the LORD surrounds His people… (Psalm 125:1-3). Are you being embattled like David for the course of God in your life? Are you facing strongholds against your success and progress in life? Has it been tough trying to reach your God set altitude because of the adversaries who are militating against your growth?

Did you know that David fought other battles even while being chased by the King himself? David abided with God while in his hiding places and God used him to deliver the people of Keilah from the Philistines. David defeated the Philistines again; he was being made stronger for the future ahead of him. God didn’t say to you, that being destined for greatness will come to you on a platter of gold. He knows the battles you will fight; He knows that the enemy will attack you either by physical or spiritual. Isaiah 40:31 says: “But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

Fear Not, face your battles like David, go with the strength and assurance of whom God says you are, and will fulfill your dreams, you will get to your promise land of self-actualization. Nothing can stop you as long as you stay connected with the Kings of Kings, even in your wilderness, your life’s destiny is assured.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

David and Abiathar the son of Ahimelech the priest. As Saul seeks to kill David, he is told that David had escaped and Ahimelech the priest had consulted God on his behalf before he escaped. Saul visited Ahimelech, and after interrogating him, he killed the priest of the LORD and his family. But Abiathar one of the Priest’s sons escaped and ran to David. It was there with David, he narrated to David that Saul had killed his father the priest, and family, but he had to escape to come join him (David).

David said to him “Stay with me; do not be afraid, for he who seeks my life seeks your life too.

What ails you today dear friends? What or who is after your life? What is taking away your comfort? What anxieties are denying you peace and joy? Abiathar ran to David because he knew he would be safe with him. It is only with Christ can our Crisis vanish before us. Run to God today and be safe. He says to you and I; “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. Matthew 11:28; He invites us to learn from Him- “Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls”. Matthew 11:29

He is right beside you, not far from your heart, ask Him to secure you, to fight your battle and you will have your peace. Today friends, the Word has come to you, ‘fear not’ but go to Christ and be safe.


From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

#28 FEAR NOT… This Day!

Now, this was a case of being hunted by the guilt of an act counted as a sin against God by the Israelites.

It was another miraculous work of God through the prophet Samuel who prayed and the LORD sent thunder and rain. Then the people became afraid of the LORD and Samuel (12:18). They pleaded with Samuel to beg God not to destroy them. Samuel said to the people of Israel, yes, you have committed evil against God by asking for a king without considering all that He had done for you. However, ‘Fear Not’ do not turn away from the LORD, serve Him with all your heart.

The Israelites, having been with God in thick and thin, and having experienced God’s countless saving graces and deliverance from all strongholds, and fears, always hear their cries at all times. Now, when King Nahash of Ammon was about to attack them, they rejected the LORD (12:12) who had been more than a king to them, they suddenly lost all confidence and trust in their God and began to request for a mortal king to rule them.

There is no doubt that, with the hit of unbeatable circumstances, temptations, oppressions, dilemmas, fears, and confusion, we tend to push God aside seeking a quick solution that seems best for our situation at the moment. Proverbs 14:12 says “There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death.”

It always hinges on guilt after we venture into our self-willed path, and then we become a puppet in the hands of the devil, who continuously makes us feel there is no forgiveness for our sinful acts. Like Samuel said to them ‘Fear Not’ but stay with the LORD. Whatever is that guilt in your mind that continuously puts fear in you, break out! of it and come to God, confessing and receiving the grace of eternal Joy, the strength of living a repentant life, the strength to approach the presence of God as your father at all times, the consolation that you'll possess the power of the Holy Spirit to hate sin and love righteousness.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


Sunday, February 11, 2024

Bengotnews@ANN - This week


#27 FEAR NOT... This Day!

Eli’s daughter-in-law – Phinehas' wife, was forcefully led into early child delivery at hearing of the capture of the LORD’s Ark, and the death of her husband and father-in-law. She gave birth in labour pains and as she was dying in despair and hopelessness as a result of the happenings around her family, the woman attending to her perceived she was discouraged and low-spirited, and she tried to cheer and encourage her by breaking to her the good news of a successful birth of a baby boy in the bid to comfort her and uplift her spirit. 

It is usually a source of joy and celebration for the family and the woman who gives birth to a male child. (John 16:21) but she never acknowledged the efforts of the mid-wife, neither did she regard all attempts; nor was the least affected with joy and pleasure at what was related to her; but was overcome with grief of what had happened, not only to her family but more especially to the ark of God. 

It is human to be engulfed with grief and despair with events and happenings around us. God has never left us in our lowest moments but is always ready to bring us a source of joy, strength and encouragement. 

Are you overtaken by heartbreak and grief, are you in despair? Look around and see the works of the LORD around you and be restored in the strength and might of God. Fear Not! But be comforted and strengthened.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20


Sermon on PRAYER - By Carlton Byrd


Thursday, February 8, 2024

#26 FEAR NOT... This Day!

We all have a choice to spend the moments, hours and days that make up our lives. We spend them in our world, ambitiously pursuing pleasures entwined with sin. We choose to spend our lives chasing wealth and affluence. We spend our time enjoying recreation. We spend our time working and toiling for daily survival. We spend our time with family, and helping others. These are no doubt good and valid.

However, you can agree with me that the best way we can spend every second of our lives is to spend it at the feet of our Lord Jesus Christ. When we are at His Feet, He gives meaning to all the other good and valid things we do in our lives. Being at the feet of Jesus lightens up every area of our life to have more meaning.

We see Ruth getting to the feet of Boaz for a change of status and meaning to life. Her experience in getting to Boaz's feet drives home to us a lesson about getting to the feet of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who is waiting to hush our anxieties, fears, uncertainties, meaningless and wasteful life, to a better, resourceful and enriching life. Boaz said to her – “fear not I will do for you all that you request”, Jesus is saying the same to you and I fear not- He is waiting for us to come to Him, because at His feet is the fullness of life.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

#25 FEAR NOT... This Day!

At this point, Gideon just realized he had been with the Angel of the LORD, and was gripped with fear and trepidation saying – “Alas, O Lord God! For I have seen the Angel of the LORD face to face” Rather than being encouraged to know God was on his side, Gideon immediately panicked, because, according to the understanding of the Old Testament, no human could survive seeing the face of God (Exodus 33:18–23). But God assured him not to fear, that he will not die. What ails you today.

It was the Lord Himself in human form, manifesting in the appearance of a man, talking and conversing with the mortal man (Gideon), unknown to Gideon that this person was God Himself. We understand such happenstance as a Christophany: an appearance of the Son of Man before His full incarnation as Jesus Christ.

Gideon apparently, wasn’t convinced that the man who conversed and commanded him to save Israel from the Midianites (Judges 6:13–16) was actually God or a messenger from God. That changed when he witnessed the Man consume an entire meal with fire before his eyes, by touching it with His staff and then vanishing immediately. (Judges 6:17–22).

Gideon in this story, hadn’t defeated the enemy yet, but he had an encounter with God that taught him regardless of his circumstances, situations, challenges, and fears, the Lord is his stronghold, and the LORD is his Peace.

Have you had such a powerful encounter with God that once solidified your trust, that convinced you beyond doubt, regardless of your circumstances, that the LORD is Peace? Perhaps once we all have had such experience, but have fallen back into our old habits of worrying about the future. When we know our God as a stronghold of Peace and safety. we have a sense of security. We’re safe in His hands and nothing can befall us that we can’t handle because He is with us, enabling and sustaining us. God is our Peace. Fear Not.

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Bengotnews@Adventist News News -ANN

Save Point - Games for Positive Stimulation

The Trinity Controversy || Pastor Randy Skeete


#24 FEAR NOT... This Day!

The Israelites sinned against God and the LORD gave them up into the hands of the Midianites to rule over them for seven years. The Midianites were severely cruel to the Israelites, so they cried out to God for help and rescue. The LORD sent a prophet to them with a message reminding them of how He had delivered them from the Egyptians who oppressed them, He saved them, fed them, and warned them not to fear the gods of the Amorites because He is God all-powerful and sovereign, but they wouldn’t listen.

As long as we continue losing our faith and trust in our God to the attractions and allures of the enemy, we’ll continue suffering from oppression and regrets. Our God is filled with Mercy and Grace when we cry out to Him, He hears and delivers. Fear Not, but trust in God. 

From: His-Legate - 2Cor. 5:20 


Finding Hope in a World of Adversity: A Message for the Hurting and Skeptics

As skeptics or wounded and hurting, you may think that the existence of evil, hardship and all forms of adversity in the world proves that G...